WEll...Today's the Day!


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
WEll...Today\'s the Day!

Since we moved into our house, my office has sort of shared space with a few boxes of orphaned household items... Our personal books, who used to have a nice bookshelf in the living room, but said bookshelf was destroyed in our move. Then there is the file cabinet with all of our household and personal paperwork. We have my desk which is a butcher block table, but there is also a second table that we haven't gotten around to fixing since the move.

I am happy to say that today it is ALL GOING. Not being tossed away, but it is leaving my office so I have some more glorious space. A lamp that doesn't fit in with our new house will be however be given to a relative or donated.
The desk that was in the closet that was somewhat useful for filing is now taking up too much valuable space for stock and will go in the guest room. it matches the dresser in there. We will have it in that closet as well, but it will have stationary for guests etc, and a whole little work center which can be closed up when it is not in use. the sewing machine might also go there to keep it in a quiet part of the house so that if Tom needs to borrow my computer for a few minutes, i can always concentrate over there.

I am buying all new storage units instead of my mismatched ones that don't all stack up, and whipping this office into the configuration that i originally wanted it to be, and decorating like i wanted it in the first place.

And also.....I am getting a real mannequin...I can hardly wait for her to get here! And now i will have room to have her. I will still have the headless hanging girl and my male dress form, but i can't wait to get this.

And I have another half mannequin on the way that can be lit from the inside for all those dresses with illusion panels that are hard to photograph the details of. I bought it from Jonathan the other day. :)

So...life is good!

(and i also went through all my stock and am ready to list a ton of things to my store in the next week...so very excited am i!)

I just couldn't contain my joy and thought i would share.

(Chris, you're really making me think about clearing up my cluttered living space!!)

Well done you!
What I really like about periodically (and this is used loosely) cleaning out my ebay/vintage room is the treasures I find that I have completely
forgotten about!

I'm sure you feel super Chris - nothing like getting organized. You will have to post a pic of your manni when she arrives.

i will say i got just a little sidetracked today...but i will follow through and prevail with what's left of it.

I certainly will post the manni when i get her! I can hardly wait!
My ebay stuff has all been packed away in plastic bins. I have visions of archaeological digs finding my stuff behind all the bookshelves...

Well, congrats Chris. It's good to clear things out and get organized.

BTW - how's the dog situation? LOL.

I went out and got the storage bins, so I am well on my way albeit a late start.

Oh, the doggies went home. (we found three dogs running on the highway last week and brought them home for those that don't know what we are talking about. It was a zoo here for a week with 5 dogs in the house). We found the owner. we convinced them to microchip them. There was a Springer spaniel, a dachshund, and a poodle. (BTW Deb, yeah we thought it was a BRittany but it really was a very young Springer...she is going to be a big girl). The lady allowed my sister in law to adopt the Springer. She (sister in law) was already in love with the dog, and she was too much for the lady to handle.
The dachshund and the poodle went to the owner. They don't have a fenced yard, and they always just go right out the front and do their business and then they call them in two seconds for them to come in. Like us, they are in the middle of nowhere with hardly any neighbors. We think the dachshund must have smelled a female and took off and the other two followed him. they came right through the woods and out to the road. They agreed to get the dogs microchipped (didn't know about it). We are working on them to convince them to get the dachshund neutered, and told her if there is anything they need, just ask. (or if she ever can't take care of them, we will be happy to take them)

Susan (my SIL) is taking the Springer in to treat a hernia and to get spayed next week.