Western wear experts out there?


Registered Guest
I have a very large lot of western wear that I will be posting for a client in the days to come. She literally gave me 19 bags to sort. Some with orginal price tags. It is all H Bar C, Slim P, and Karman. Tons of polyester.

Would 60s or 70s, sound right? I will try to post a large collection for viewing. It is so awesome if you like western and all the fun details.

Any western resources would be deeply appreciated.
fabric dating sounds 70s, but if you could post a few pictures & labels, we can help better. :)
there's a ton of H Bar C labels in the resource, that might help you a bit. Karman is older, not sure if they are even in business still.
If they are rockabilly, they should do really well for you for VLV.
i loooove Western! its fun to list, it does really well on Ruby Lane especially!
post some pictures and we'll be glad to help,

Thanks for looking. It is all H bar C, and Slim Panhandle. There is a random Pendleton jacket and new pants, and maybe a couple of other brands. The bulk though is the first two.

Dating? I am thinking 70s????
Hi Jean,
i'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with Pioneer Wear.

Karmen is still being made and sold, but they were at their height of popularity in the 70s.

Panhandle Slim has been in businesss since 1946, this is their 60th year. They are still "hot" right now with the rodeo crowd, but not as much in local clubs here in Tx as Rockies brand.

Could you please post a pic of the label and the item, maybe we can help a little better?

Check the VFG label resource on the Pendleton, and any other labels, its a wonderful source.

Sometimes we can help date from the price tags, do they have bar codes?

Western is often hard to date due to its classic styling.

Please post some pictures of the items and we'll be glad to try to help you out more, and check the label resource. :)