What city do you see in this novelty print?


Staff member
VFG Past President
I see Rome, but I can't really be sure. What is the symbolism of that tree-like object?

It's a 50s dress (not yet edited photo):

One image of Rome that sort of matched the print.
Have you ever seen a similar Christmas-like tree in a novelty print? I love that you point that out Linda. I think with the color scheme it must be Mediterranean and I believe that the lack of water means it isn't Venice. Just not your typical Roman scene in all ways...
I see in yellow behind colums some churches with the bell tower..i dont know if roman but sure italian.
The tradition of the tree start ed in 1980, maybe before they could put little trees i dont know..
Very good, thank you all for your input!

I keep trying to make that tree into something else, like—
San Pietro 00.JPG

—but it doesn't quite work. I believe I should go with the Christmas tree's history in Rome.

Susan, I love this dress but I could barely breathe in it. Don't I look relaxed for someone suffering from oxygen deprivation? :horny:
Sorry, in the 1980 started the tradition of the christmas tree in s peter square, not the tradition of the tree as an holiday decoration. one of the photo at the link is really similar to your print
Fabulous and you look gorgeous as usual, Maggie! I agree it sure looks a lot like like Rome, although a few of the buildings (not the basilica) look more old world central European and not so much Italian. The tree thingie is odd. Especially since Germany is credited with originating the Christmas tree, it is not associated with Rome, I do not think.

It is a wonderful dress.
Interesting! I feel like we're doing a Rorschach test here.

I've looked very hard for any sign of a selvedge in case of some info to be found on it, but haven't succeeded.

Contemporary shot:

Lizzie, are you around? You seem like another good person to ask about this print.