What do I change to get this great coat noticed?

This is one fur coat I have had great pleasure feeling! It's not only sumptuous to touch, it also has a great and very happening look. My title I guess SUCKS! And beaver seems to be rarely researched or noticed and after doing a lot of research I'm not so sure it is beaver... even though I was informed by a Montreal ebayer who sells a gazillion furs on ebay that this is beaver - in person.

Any advice you can give me will me most appreciated!!!

Many thanks!


PS - The wide shot pictures cast an orangish hue - ignore, colouring is more like first two photos and button close up.
Hi Deborah,

It is a really nice fur coat...perhaps there are just too many coats on these days...I had several coats up last Sunday (not furs) and I must say I was quite disappointed in the results. It might just be a question of too many coats on right now to choose from. Also, I have been finding that with my clothing site people are often only bidding at the last minute.
You gals truly are the GREATEST! Thanks!

Mary Jane - I'd love it if it was potentially last minute bidding, but unfortunately there are no watchers.:no: wimper, wimper...

Linda - I changed the title and I had to let beaver go as well to get dbl-breasted and belted in. I'll keep you posted.

"your pictures are just brilliant!" blush, blush...
Deborah, that coat is fabulous!

I agree with Mary Jane, there seems to be a glut of coats up at the moment
(woe to me.....I still have about 5 to list!).

I like Linda's suggestions, and see you've adapted them.

The past two weeks a funny thing I've noticed about bidding is that
the items that I have watchers on, I get bids at the end. The 0 watcher
items, get bids usually on day 2 or 3. Weird

I know this sounds as if I have hit the bottle, but it might not just be the right time for coats!.
We all look foreword to summer, planning holidays, days out and enjoying nice weather, so probably plan what to wear well in advance.
We might not plan as far in advance for winter just wait for that cold spell then get court out wearing a summer weight coat, then panic and start looking especially when you take into account that here in the (UK) it is still mild.