What do you call this thing?


Registered Guest
It's not a scarf and it's not a collar. I know it has a name, and I can't even come up with an inkling to help me search! :scratchchin:
It's too short to tie, and it's only decorated on one side of the two hangy-downy bits. So I assume it crosses over like I have it. I also think the bit around the neck is supposed to go under a collar. It's made of linen. I should have added more information!
Well, depending on the collar or neck size it could be a childs 'Ascot' or 'stock collar.' It might have been made for a particular purpose. Is it actually linen or cotton lawn or batiste?
The length of the narrow strip is 16 1/4 inches. I'm nearly positive it's linen. The bits at the bottom are doubled...like someone sewed them up into a tube, then gathered them at the top to attach them to the strip. Does that make sense? But, of course, the decorative embroidery is only on one side. If it's lying flat, the embroidery is on the same side. If it tied, then there would be no real need for both ends to be embroidered (the way I'm picturing it), because one side would be on top of the other.

It was in a box of bits of lace, trim, tatting and crocheted and cotton collars and cuffs I got at an auction. It stumped me...