What does this coat say to you?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Aside from..."out of season"...

Big, Flat side buttons that make you think they are functional but not. Collar lays as shown, but if you fold it the opposite way, looks like there could have been a big button there as well. Union label. No other label. the pockets are hidden behind the faux seperate panel.

Quoth my husband "this is a weird coat. I am sure you will be able to sell it. your customers like unusual things"

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/oddcoat2.jpg" width=324 height=591>

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/oddcoat3.jpg" width=324 height=365>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/oddcoat1.jpg" width=288 height=505>
Okay, this is going to sound 'nuts' and I'm not fond of feminine suffixes added to titles or careers for women, but I heard "poetess" when looking at it.

Heck...maybe even a 'sorta' 'beatnik-y' one.
I'm getting a mod/swing thing vibe. How odd is THAT combo!! :BAGUSE:

I like it though!!

Hmmm Steph, that is interesting. I always thought beatnikey looks were a bit more fitted, but i see what you mean. It has an off beat, semi artsy, non cookie cutterness to it that I didn't consider. Just add a beret?

Maureen - that is the problem. To me, part of it says "swing coat", but the huge flat as a pancake buttons and the large and semi geometricness in the collar give it a mod flavor that is opposing the sihouette to me in some ways.

BTW, there is a union label but on the other side it says National Board - Coat and Suit Industry. I don't think i have seen that one. No other labels. The coat is fastened by huge blue snaps but of course they are "hidden".
I think it is 50s and you will see that label often in them. What about an artist's coat or smock flair? Yes, I think a little tam or beret on the head would go nicely with this theme.:)
I was given a coat a little bit like that by my mother-in-law. If it doesn't button or hook up the front, you call it a clutch coat. Definitely 50's or early 60's at the latest.

Other than that, I think everybody else's answers are right on,
it snaps up the front, they are just hidden under the panel, so it isn't a clutch.

Thanks all for the input/confirmation. Guess i will go snatch a beret or an artists palette :)

I guess its off to cleaning it and putting it in my mall shop. Its pristine except a few tiny spots in the lining down towards the bottom of the coat. Nothing major, but i am going to try anyhow.
