What does VFG mean to you?


VFG Member
What does VFG mean to you? What have you learned from the Forums in 2013?

Did you use the Label or Fabric Resource lists or just ask for help identifying a design or fabric or dating a garment?

If you did any of the above or just enjoyed reading what others posted, now is a good time to say thank you. It isn't painful or difficult. Every time you plan to order something from Amazon, click on the Amazon tab next to the Help tab on this page first or you can go to the Home page and click on the Thank you box--where you'll find a variety of retailers that send VFG a small amount each time an order is placed.

And if you don't want to buy anything, cash contributions are always appreciated.

This is a small thank you for the expertise and time more experienced members share. My only regret is that I didn't post this note earlier when you were doing your Christmas shopping.
