What era is this from and what is it? Mexican dress

Hi! I have a Mexican Purple Long dress that from a glance appears to be possibly 70s, but then when you REALLY look at all of it, I feel like it's older, especially when looking at some of the construction details, fabric and other elements. It does appear to be handmade but very WELL done, so it may have been done in a Mexican factory possibly? No tags anywhere. I'm also thinking that this is a bit too ornate for a simple "dress" Does anyone know if this is some sort of special formal item or something? Thasnk! =)





this is traditonal tourist tarde garments, (loosely based on trad mexican wear). l have several, l used to live there...Xochimilco for instance has a market full of these items, and knitted jackets (a la starsky and hutch variety!)

There are based one the native mexican indian clothing but with more pazazz for the trade...using the pinks or purple or reds for the basic cloth...rather than trad' white cotton.

most women make them in their homes and work on a basis of quantity....mexican indians, sew, crochet, embrioider and taught by their relatives..even the men can sew!

they even sew when they have other jobs, in the evenings after their work....in mexico many of the indiginous population are employed in service, as it is really a two class system...

its difficult to date them...but in this one the fabric appears to be a wider weave cotton or lawn, and the neckline is higher so l would date it to pre 60's
l would say thats a sfae bet, though with the higher neck its probably early 60s actually..but why not keep your net wide!?

I agree with Sara and would say 60s as well, and its really unusual to find one with long sleeves. As tourist dresses, they are typically short sleeves or sleeveless. You have a nice find!

I cant verify that your's is Oaxacan, but that style of embroidery is commonly called so on ebay when its very "heavy" and detailed through the entire yoke.

here's more info about embroidery from that area of Mexico:


Sadly, that beautiful dress will probably end up cut short into a tunic/ peasant top for a "trendy teen".

Sadly, that beautiful dress will probably end up cut short into a tunic/ peasant top for a "trendy teen"

Ugh I know that's what I was thinking too. Thank you for the info, I knew I came to the right place to ask about this =)
I'm not sure if I am going to Ebay this or not (havent been doing auction listings lately) but do you think this would be best in the regular clothing category or in the "collectibles/ethnicities cultures" category?
I would do it under vintage clothing, not cultures, but thats jmho. i did notice they were doing well on etsy if you have a store there.

if you do ebay, I would definately put " long sleeve" in the title, thats a good feature~ especially for fall.. if you can think that far ahead. :)

its like 100 here in Tx.. lol
oh jeez 100 degrees! We had a small heatwave here in the Bay Area, it was like 89 and everyone was dying and crying about it! LOL I was raised in Los Angeles in the flatlands where 108 in common for every day of Summer. The only difference is most houses in the Bay Area do not have AC or a swimming pool (like most L.A. places do) so that does bite for us, a fan is what I use, it sucks but it only gets near the 100s about 7 days out of the whole year up here.

I do have an etsy store, thank gosh! I was so tired of Ebay's changes that I decided to go Etsy and I have been really happy with it! I love the whole vibe over there. Given I don't sell as much there, but I do sell. Between both Ebay and Etsy it's been good. I finally finished the coding for my very own website, just have to find time to stock it up now. Once I have it all done I might ditch ebay completely. Then I'll have a huge party! :lol:

Thanks so much for all the info!