What I did this weekend...


I had to go to West Virginia to visit my eldery uncle, and was able to fit in one day of a vintage clothing auction that was being held nearby!

No photos, but I did write about it in my blog. I was really struck by what sold well and what did not.

At the Auction
Very interesting, Lizzie--thanks for let us attend vicariously with you!

What you describe about their mis-labelled items and thrown-together lots makes me think of how sometimes a newbie ebay seller takes bad pictures of or miscategorizes a real gem, and it sort of falls through the cracks (doesn't happen as much as much as I'd like, of course...)

What did you get for yourself? Do tell (and show!)
I was sooooo tempted to make the trip to this auction, but just couldn't justify the long 10+ hour drive time. Sounds like it was a lot of fun! I know several of my New England competitors are at the Whitaker auction, so I wonder if some of them were at this auction as well.
I wanted to hit this one Sunday, then drive across PA on Monday, preview Whitaker Tues, and bid there today.

But it wasn't meant to be.

Lizzie, one thing I noticed in the Proxibid cataloque was a lot of replaced parts and very dark photos. And yes, odd groupings of dresses with accessories that were unrelated.

The thing that I bought that I really love is a small collection of bathing beauty photos. A sampling:

<img src=http://fuzzylizzie.com/myPictures/swimphotos/1920sbeauties.JPG>

<img src=http://fuzzylizzie.com/myPictures/swimphotos/congaline.JPG>

<img src=http://fuzzylizzie.com/myPictures/swimphotos/jollybathers.JPG>

<img src=http://fuzzylizzie.com/myPictures/swimphotos/stripes.JPG>

I also got a great 1920s feathered headdress, and some others that are just missing the ribbon. And near the end I got 3 lots of misc. clothing that turned out to have some really nice stuff in them.

There was one lot that I did not get that had a couple of 20s dresses and a fantastic 1920s blouse in an orange print. I bid on the lot but it went out of my range. I kept thinking how it was a shame that there was not an underskirt to go with the blouse.

Well, there was, and I have it. Quite unbelivably, the blouse and skirt were separated, and the skirt was hidden in my lot, under another dress. I'm sure that nobody even saw it!