I know I've seen this style featured in the spring fashion magazines, which is why I pulled it out from my catboxed stuff.
But for the life of me I cannot remember what it's called. And I don't have any of the magazines here - I read them at the gym while I'm on the treadmill.
So a name would be great, and.....HUGE favor....if anyone has a scan of the article I would be SO SO appreciative! If I had to narrow down the magazine I would say it's Lucky, In Style, or Glamour (most likely Lucky).
But for the life of me I cannot remember what it's called. And I don't have any of the magazines here - I read them at the gym while I'm on the treadmill.
So a name would be great, and.....HUGE favor....if anyone has a scan of the article I would be SO SO appreciative! If I had to narrow down the magazine I would say it's Lucky, In Style, or Glamour (most likely Lucky).