What is the style of this Donna Karan skirt? And a scan request.


Staff member
I know I've seen this style featured in the spring fashion magazines, which is why I pulled it out from my catboxed stuff.

But for the life of me I cannot remember what it's called. And I don't have any of the magazines here - I read them at the gym while I'm on the treadmill.

So a name would be great, and.....HUGE favor....if anyone has a scan of the article I would be SO SO appreciative! If I had to narrow down the magazine I would say it's Lucky, In Style, or Glamour (most likely Lucky).



I SHOULD know Susan, having just stared at every magazine for spring...but I can't place the style! I'll be back if I can figure out what you are looking for.
It looks sort of like a pegged dirndl to me, but I see the relationship to a tulip skirt. I couldn't find anything very similar in March or April Luckys...just an above-the-knee pleat front skirt. From looking online, a whole lot of what I think of as trumpet skirts are called tulip skirts, but there are a few a bit like yours.

OT, I loved going back to April's Lucky and smelling Stella McCartney's new perfume! ("What's that ravishing scent you're wearing?" "Page 227!")