What kind of fur?

hi marc, welcome to our boards!

here's a link to our fur resource:


at first glance, it looks maybe mink, but that third photo shows the light through the tips: they are so even that it could be a (good quality) faux fur

can you get a closer shot? perhaps take your thumb at the base of the fur, and get a close-up of how it meets the skin/fabric? thank you!
Hi Mary...thanks,

I can absolutely guarantee it's not faux fur. I Magnin was on par with Bergdorf Goodman, Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue. It was given to my Mom by her parents in the 50s who were quite well off. The fur seems to get much thicker and downy'er toward the skin.
The fur seems to get much thicker and downy'er toward the skin.

that's what you want, that is an indicator of real fur. I would be inclined to say that you have a nice mink, in that case.

i didn't mean to insinuate it wasn't a quality garment by any means; i'm very familiar with I.Magnin. Alot of high end shops sold exquisite faux fur that is/was difficult to differentiate between the real deal.

good luck!
lovely, lovely mink, without a shadow of a doubt, all you need to do, in a picture like this which makes the fur appear flat is take a peek at the edges, the fine hairs that stick out, that clinches it for me...a fine fur, horizontally placed pelts and it is very nice too... and l would date it to early 60's, that bell like cut..cropped Jackie O styling...
Originally posted by vintagemerchant
are you going to sell on ebay? craigslist? ruby lane? etsy? stand-alone website?

I've been selling things on Craigslist, so I thought I'd sell this there too.

Any ballpark estimate on its value? :help:
fur is a funny thing here in uk...depending on the day it could make £20-£200

not much help there then...its only worth who gets it on the day..unlike many vintage items, that one can guetsimate a ballpark, fur is not like that...tis the season etc..