What might these creatures be?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Reminds me of a cross between a bird on a chinese vase and a mythical creature.

What should I call them? T.H. Whites Book of Beasts is just not handy...

And yes, once in awhile i just get the urge for an over the top tie that borders on the ugly or the sensational depending on the eye of the beholder... This one's a beau brummell by mr. john


I think they are just abstractions and not of any specific bird.

I mean, they have the legs and "pants" of an eagle, the neck of a ruffled goose, and the beaks of DDT aflicted sea gulls!

beaks of DDT aflicted sea gulls!


I thought the bird was a pheonix.

That is a really good idea....but the only aveat is that I aways picture a phoenix is more "majestic" and these birds are missing a certain je nais ce quoi. (i might have just swore in french by maybe misspelling that beacause i have no idea how to spell it!)

The minute I woke up this morning...and only you guys would understand why a piece of clothing like this would be a first thought of the day LOL....
is that "maybe they are vultures????" THey kinda look like a few birds thrown together.

But "goofy phoenixes" of "DDT seagull beak" might get more hits :)

Looks like Quetzalcoatl <a href="http://www.mexconnect.com/mex_/history/jtuck/jtquetzalcoatl.html" target=blank>(the plumed serpent god of Aztec and mesoamerican culture)</A> to me. I searched google for a good image of him, but I couldn't find one.

I'll see if any of my Spanish books have a picture.

Oh well, I guess my memory was off. I corrected my spelling in the google search, and I came up with some <a href="http://aiolia.9online.fr/Images/Notes/Quetzalcoatl.jpg" target=blank>good images.</A> He is generally represented as more of a serpent with a feathered body & wings - I thought he had more bird characteristics.

The print still reminds me of Mexico, though. Maybe you could work that into your description.

Don't griffins have four legs? Or am i thinking of something else? probably am.

When i went to Mexico city, i remember the images of Quetzalcoatl but may brain just wasn't thinking in that direction. maybe because these birds have all bird pieces. whatever that means.

thanks guys, for putting me in some sort of direction. I guess i was hoping that there was a definitive species but i guess it is truly in the eye of the beholder. I'll use all those suggestions though....one is bound to strike a chord...or nerve...with someone

That's a good one too Hollis. "Don't let this tie go the way of the Dodo"

I couldn't decide either so I went with something like.

Are they phoenix, Aztec Icons, griffins? No matter, every culture vulture in town will take notice of your bold tie!