What type of fur is this collar?


Registered Guest
Hello VFG. I love you all. You are such sweethearts with your wealth of knowledge! I have this dark green coat (c.1960?) . I am so confused about the collar. It's almost too soft too be mink, however, I don't think it's rabbit. I really don't have any idea though! I hope any of you or Caryn can help? Thanks so much!
Hi Nancylou, We love you too. :) I don't see any pictures. Maybe you forgot, they didn't upload, or you figured out that I am psychic. Nah, I am not psychic so you likely didn't think that one..haha. Upload some pictures and we will surely be happy to help. :)


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Oh my goodness! Thank you Caryn! I just had my husband upload the pics. He's done this once before for me on the VFG. I hope I can do it myself, next time! Thank you so much!
Lol! When I read your answers, I do wonder if you are psychic! Haha. I would love to be an expert in one thing! Vintage clothing is so very broad, isn't it? I'm always learning and I soooo appreciate all of your help!:)
Thank you. The only thing I can predict about the future is that I will get older and I will eat lots of chocolate. :USETHUMBUP:

The collar of your coat is Russian squirrel fur and it does look like it dates to the 60s. Nice color too.
Thank you so much, Caryn. You are a dear and so smart. I never would have known Russian squirrel! That is so cool! I still think you're a great psychic because you know about getting older and loving chocolate! I hate the former and LOVE the latter!
Thank you so much again!