What will you be doing when you're 83?

She's 3 yrs older than Granny was when she died, and that was a 4 year process. I'm guessing this gal had the use it or loose it mantra, and boy does she use it!
Coulda stood a bit more dress, though. :embaressed:
I hope to be wandering around the casinos in Las Vegas with a lively companion. Of course, I will be wearing Vintage clothing from 2009 (ha ha). How about chartreuse ? Workin' on my dice throw, and second (third ?) face lift ? And by then, I will have designed my casket. Handmade. Shaped like an eclair. With 4 Victorian Hightop Shoes for a stand. Maybe I will pipe in some music : "Ain't she sweet ?" I want to be a wild old sprocket ! Death by Pastry ! At age 105 ! Woot ! :hiya:
Bless her heart! She has some great legs for her age! When I'm that old I'll probably be trying to remember what it was like when I was 50!
She sure knows how to have a good time!

Did anyone see the ballroom dancing last night on PBS, it was the Ohio Star Ballroom Championships. Quite something...it's amazing how just about all the women anyway are of Russian origin. I would assume they start out training to be ballerinas and don't make it in the Ballet world. Some amazing dancing and the outfits were quite spectacular too!

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