What would one call this back vent?


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
A single split vent....but overlapped....what is the more correct term? It is really a multi color but i will have to pull out some better photos and work the photoshop magic.

I always thought 50s on this one. (as always...could be wrong...could be creeping into the very early 60s...) By Young Collegiate...so for those young preppy guys of the day. older union label as well.

Single vent is all you need to say. They all look alike. However, it isn't hanging right. When they pull like that it means that it is on a rear end that is too big, or it has been worn while sitting too much and has pulled. If it just too big a butt, then undo the front so it hangs straight. Its very uncool to have a splayed single vent.

It looks ivy league early 60s to me. button shirt with snap tab collar, skinny tie, chinos, or flannels, and loafers...
Actually, there is another piece of fabric at the opposite angle underneath it which was puzzling...they crisscross and its NOS, that's why i thought it was odd.
Today, back vents come straight off the seam rather than at a 45 degree angle. But that overlap is a standard single vent for the 50s and 60s.

And Jonathan is right - unbutton the bottom button and the back should hang properly.
She shape of my manform probably is not helping...its a little bigger in the chest than the person who would wear this jacket so maybe that why also it doesn't look perfect. I'll retake a photo from the back but unbutton the bottom button. That should work. And then the horizontal seam above the overlapping back vent won't look like its pulling. a photo showing the underlayer of the vent would probably help too.
