what would you call this type of collar? thanks..

Teresas Treasures

Registered Guest
Jonathan Logan 50s skirt suit in a wool or wool blend - to thick for a chambry and not a gabardine. What would you call that collar?

Teresa, that suit is gorgeous! Honestly, Jonathan Logan stuff from the 50s can be awesome--so many people haven't had the pleasure of seeing the early things and just "assume" they are like the later 60s & 70s stuff (the early/mid 60s stuff was great, too--with their trendy mod junior looks).

I wouldn't say that is technically a portrait collar, but reminiscent of the look--it's the first collar term that popped into my head when I saw it, though it would be set wider out on the shoulders and might be cut a bit deeper if it were a true portrait collar. Perhaps a "modified" portrait collar, or a portrait-inspired style? Not sure there is a technical term for it. Whatever one calls it, it's lovely, and I should think very flattering.
I ended up calling it a portrait collar for lack of a better term. And I've had other early Logan pieces that were lovely - a great black velveteen dress and bolero that were tiny tiny but so adorable.
I would probably call it a tucked (or pleated) portrait collar.

It's a lovely suit. The way the collar lays reminds me a bit of the wedding ring fur collars you see on so many 50s and 60s coats - I don't suppose it has hidden hooks & eyes underneath the front edge?
Did they use much wool challis in the 50s? I'm trying to figure out the fabric. It is a lighter weight wool with some give to it but I think the give might also be from the construction as much as the fabric. It isn't an itchy wool but it isn't a fine fine wool either..