What's mine is yours site

What\'s mine is yours site

Has anyone used this site? I have a lot clothing that I would usually sell on ebay but I am really fed up with ebay nowadays so I'm thinking of putting stuff (the stuff I dont normally sell on my site) up on this site and seeing how it goes, might even try the swap idea..
That is one pretty site. I love the home page. Some of the stuff was coming up in wrong categories, but it's a great idea!
There seems to be a lot of vintage on there, from the few searches I've done. I think 'll give it a try and see, although I definitely wouldn't open a "boutique" on there at £40 a month fee!
Hi there,

I think it's a great site. I've joined but haven't listed anything for sale or swap yet. Like you say, £40 per month is a bit steep especially with sites like Etsy and specialistauctions.com who don't charge a shop fee. Whatsmine is yours is great for providing info on vintage fairs and the like, so I'll be attending the next ones in Sheffield and Manchester and hope to pick up a few bargains (is there such a thing these days?)
I've joined but I'll just see if I can swap a few things.. you need to "buy credits" to sell things and the credits cost £1 a go.. think I'll pass!
Hmm. Well, I'm not too impressed with this site so far. I've had one offer of a swap andbrowsing through the swappable stuff isn't exactly inspiring. Oh well.