I have a Chelsea Girl chiffon blouse that is retro style with an art deco lady print and huge batwing sleeves, except there is a barcode printed on the care label, and it says made in Syria. Neither of which I have come across before, so although I read that barcodes were around in the 70's and 80's I'm assuming they didn't make it onto clothes for a long while after this. Chelsea Girl changed in 1988 to River Island, meaning this blouse must be from the 2008 revival of the label by River Island. But to be honest I would have expected them to be well past barcodes by this time - QR codes were already in use. So it's a bit odd and passe. Thoughts? If it weren't for the fact I purchased a similar chiffon blouse from New Look around this time it could have had me fooled for being vintage. The revival labels use the same logo as before, the early 70's ones were printed and folded in a loop, later is woven and side stitched, but I don't know when it changed.