When two VFG'rs come together beautiful things can happen!


VFG Member
When two VFG\'rs come together beautiful things can happen!

Yes, its true... Jody (Couture Allure) and I have something special to share...

check my blog.
Thanks, Jonathan! It was fun sharing information with you about Richard Tam. I was going to show you all pictures of the two Richard Tam dresses I have on my site, but my photo host is acting up tonight. Instead, I'll direct you to my site, where you can see the two dresses here:

Richard Tam dresses at Couture Allure

When I read the title of your post, I thought it was funny, because Claire Schaeffer spent the afternoon here with me, and that was also two VFG'ers coming together, and it was another beautiful thing. I'll post about it on my blog tomorrow!
Hollis - I am kind of technophobe... I don't even know how to stop the spams from coming to me every day on my blog and I get well over a hundred every day. I think I may have deleted some real comments at the same time. Hopefully the web person we are hiring to do the museum's site this summer can also help me make the blog work better and track visitors and stop spam - hopefully they can also create some sign up area for followers to get notification.