When were beaded straw box purses in?


VFG Member
Hand made, in British Hong Kong, it has the coating on the straw, and little brass feetsies, woven straw handle. The front is beaded and the back is plain.


I have never really seen one quite like this. Usually i have seen the ones where the beads are strung on the straw "abacus style" if that makes any sense and the bags are not the boxey suitcase style. i usually think of the british hong long ones as early 60s through 70s and handmade in hong kong as 50s, but some one may come along that knows a boatload more than me.

This almost reminds me of something for a one person picnic. It's cute!

The coating is called lacquer and I am going to say very late 60's or early 70's.

British Hong Kong can be iffy for dating....As they made stuff well into the 70's....
