where can one order a mannequin that....


Registered Guest
...is formed to one's +own+ body shape/measurements?

i'm looking for a fit mannequin, for draping clothes i want to make for myself. problem is, i'm a bit off the standard shape. broader shoulders, thicker waist, longer legs.

any thoughts?

let me know, when there's a moment, thanks. :)

btw, this is tamara. i forgot my password.

cheers :) t
There used to be a dressmakers form called 'Uniquely You' that was a foam body with a fabric cover you would take off and fit to yourself, then put it back on and reshape the foam. No Arms or legs, but at least the torso would be covered.

Wolfe dress forms will make forms to measure, even full body ones, but it is very expensive.
The cheapest way to do it would be to buy a regular "dress form" (which they regularly have on ebay at greatly varying prices). They do them in various sizes and they come with various adjusters and forms of padding so that you can customise it even more.

If you can't get it quite to your measurements then you sew layers of padding onto it made out of that thin foam that you can get from an upholstery shop.

Otherwise I can see it being a very expensive project to get one that it exactly your shape.

Good luck, and let us know how you get on. :-)
I have seen the adjustable dress forms. I think Maureen has one if I am not mistaken - maybe she will pop in.

I do know that you can order dress forms standard in a few different sizes/dress sizes. Since everyone is different, if the form is just a little small in the bust, but good in the hips, you can always get a bra for it and pad it a little, or vice versa, you can pad the hip.

thanks for the responses. :) many thanks. :) good to see you all.

i'll have to start hanging out here more often. this is a really good "feel good vintage" place.

many thanks and cheers :) t