Where Have I Seen this Dress? Going crazy! :)

Have been racking my brain and also googling with no luck. I feel like I have seen this dress (well not THIS dress but you know what I mean) on someone...someone dancing in a movie perhaps? Look familiar to anyone else?

This was another find from my church rummage sale. It has ILGWU label from 1963-1974 (something like that for dates) but no maker/designer label. Lovely rhinestone like buttons at the sleeves and, of course, missing its belt. The underdress (for lack of better term) is actually a pretty bright pink. This makes me think this is for dancing.

Again and as always, thanks for any thoughts or input. Maybe I am way off but at this point, I need to quit thinking about it or might go looney! :)

It reminds me of the dresses the Lennon Sisters wore on the Lawrence Welk show, or maybe that woman on the show who was his primary dancer...she often wore dresses just like this one, maybe fuller in the skirt.
