which way is up?? and 60s, right? or earlier?

The Vintage Merchant

Staff member
have this hat that is a clear plastic headband covered in black velvet that extends at right angles and then curves to make a half circle with a bouquet of white fabric daisys with soft fuzzy pompom balls of yellow brushed with shades of coral. There is a black velvet bow tied amoungst the daisys, and a black nylon net, that originally had me thinking snood.

however, its not long enough to capture a Veronica Lake-ish hair sweep, and in fact, its actually quite cute with the flowers gathered to the front, instead of at the nape of the neck.

i'm thinking 60s, with the bow & the daisys? do you think?

and which way would YOU guess the flowers go? to the front?



or back?



now that i see it here, i think to the back looks more "finished" and correct, while to the front is pretty extreme ~

need more :icon_dante:
You have it correctly placed in the first picture with the flowers at the front. Not extreme at all! It looks great. The net 'snood' would capture the hair. The focus is on the feature of the flowers and the velvet bow to accentuate the face. I would date this hat from the mid 1950's.
I agree that flowers on top looks right to me - I think that is how it is intended to be worn. Flowers at the nape looks more modern - I could see someone wearing it that way today.

i just realized, :duh2: that the headband itself most likely is designed to sit ON the head, right? :wacko: so that means the flowers do go to the back. i guess.

but it does look fun either way, doesn't it?
There are many 1950's hats that use the headband construction and they do 'sit' on the head - small cocktail hats would be an example. Could you show the hat face full-on with the flowers at the nape so we can see how the frame sits?

What is the trim at the side of the flowers in the first picture? A close up would be great. Looking at the picture the trim is to the right. If that is a fixed trim then then having that at the back of the hat at the nape would be odd and not balanced.