While we're on the subject of shoes....


Registered Guest
While we\'re on the subject of shoes....

Can we date these Grace Walker shoes?

This is another pair that were labeled 1940's, but I'm beginning to think they're probably early 1950's.




The heels look similar to the top pair in this 1951 ad:


What do you think?
I am no expert on shoes, but I would say 40s...the ad's shoes (and most shoes by the 50s) look higher and lighter in the heel to my eye. The ad does throw me a little, as I would have pegged those styles as ca. 1947-48. By the way, I would like to place an order for all the shoes in the ad, and your beautiful shoes too! ;)
They sure look the part for 40s, and I would have listed them confidently as such. That ad is throwing me a bit, too, but I guess you can't argue with an ad from a dated magazine!

Oh, yeah, I'd totally wear those!
Thanks for your expertise!

I was curious about the date (40's or 50's) but either way I was still happy to find them in a size 9!
i'm so lousy at dating shoes, but they DO look 40's ish, and remember, too, that if a style is popular, it will continue on for a bit

those're SUPER cute; i'd wear them if they fit, too