white cotton bloomers with lace

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by LustNLuxVintage, Aug 15, 2014.


Dating white bloomers

  1. early 20th century?

    0 vote(s)
  2. cotton?

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  1. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2014
  2. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

  3. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

  4. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

  5. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

    I am not sure at all about the date on these. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  6. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

    I have removed the repeated photos from your first post.
    These are definitely older. Love the "snowflake" looking detailing in them.

    They appear to be Victorian to me...let's see what others here have to say about them.
  7. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

  8. Rue_de_la_Paix

    Rue_de_la_Paix VFG Member

    I agree with Mary Jane, they look Victorian to me. Just from looking at the photos, I would say 1880s. I will also wait to see who else might chime in.

    They are really a lovely pair, the little star flowers or snowflakes are really wonderful!
  9. The endless research I've been doing while prepping for all these Civil War 150th events says these are either very late Victorian or Edwardian. Otherwise, they'd be "open." (i.e. crotchless). Indelicate, but true. Ladies didn't wear closed drawers until the outfits worn over them were easier to manipulate when nature called. Very hard to use the privvy in a hoop, bustle, or other cumbersome outfit when you had to unbutton and literally "drop your drawers" to do so. Of course, there may have been exceptions. I'm no expert.
  10. LustNLuxVintage

    LustNLuxVintage Registered Guest

    Thanks ladies, very interesting!

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