who cares about the economy when you can have blue leopard dresses??

The Vintage Merchant

Staff member
Paris Highlights: Spring 2009

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Thanks for posting, it was a fun watch.
On a side note, the blue leopard dress referenced by the title of your post is a street length version of the dress Maggie Gyllenhall wore for the Golden Globes last week
2:17 & 2:24 That's totally me.

I was sorta shocked at how many of the interview-ees, the to-do's of the fash world, looked disheveled, bedheaded, and un-made-up. What's that about? There were a few of the editor types that looked like they may have been wearing something that hadn't been picked up off the floor, but Dita Von Teese was the only one I caught full length that I recognized. Salma Hyack's hair was combed, at least, unlike that French girl with the dog.

Not that I'm high fash by any means (jeans and a shirt from the Goodwill) but you'd think that running a comb through your hair would be one of the first places to start.

Git off my lawn and such. :soapbox: