Who like elephants? Funky dress needs a date


VFG Member
I am thinking this novelty dress from Design Thai is from the 70's but I guess I should probably put it in the regular clothing category since it is hard to date....




Any ideas, anyone? Thanks....

That's cute! Lin and i had been talking about the more persian influenced prints being 60s/70s cusp and heavily into the early 70s. Now, this label could have done prints like this forever... but this could probably be from that same time frame

I think that the novelty print might catch fire more in the vintage category than regular because that is where a lot of people look for stuff like that.

Now the million dollar question is sizing. is that size 14 absolutely huge on your gal or does it fit pretty decently?

Oh what i meant on size, if things are questionable, i sometimes consider how it fits my manni in regards to items that could have been made for a long period of time. A modern 10 from the late 80s til now, i would have to definitely clip to get it to fit aprorpriately. A 10 from say 1976 would fit her more apropriately, and a 40s 10 would fit up top, but I might have to take care down below as she has wider hips than most modern gals. it isn't always definitive and i don't make it the only factor, but it sometimes gives me hints in the right direction.

Good luck with this...its very cute!