Whofor art thou Janice Lachman? (funky fabric)


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I know through my scanty research that Ms. Lachman designed several fabrics. But does anyone know anything more concrete about her? Obviously a textile designer but as her name carries enough importance to be included on the selvage edge of fabric, her name must have been somewhat known.

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/kitschnsink/lachman.jpg" width=360 height=339>

This is "Kamakura Fret" designed by Janice Lachman and by the Bassett McNab company. I have also seen her name in reference to a handbag on Ruby Lane that was made from fabric that she designed for another company named Sterling.

I am fairly certain that this fabric is from the early to mid 80s, just like the 1986 example in that other listing. This is a heavy fabric perhaps a polished cotton - but will have to do a burn test. It most likely was for upholstery because in my view it is too stiff for most clothing.
Chris, I did a vivisimo.com search on this name and came up with several entries that referred to her designing fabric in the 70s and 80s, but nothing specific on her.

It is kind of op arty isn't it? I have not quite decided whether to sit on it for awhile and wait til its older, use it in my bedroom makeover or pass it on just yet. Then again, it could be hypnotizing and cure insomnia lol

Thanks Sue, i searched there too and must have not read all the pages...or you were luckier than me :)