WHOLESALE Vintage Clothing?


Registered Guest
I was talking to a woman on the train who told me that she buys vintage clothing at wholesale. I've never heard of this! Is this for real? Sort of takes the fun out of digging thru the racks..is this a legitimate source for vintage clothing? Wow...

Not really.

The few "rag houses" that I've been to were rather disappointing. I suppose there might be a few gems in there, but I wouldn't count on it. Most of these places are stocked with thrift store leftovers -- and see as how there's not a lot in any thrift store I've visited in the last five years, I doubt they have a lot 'left over' to pass to any rag house.
A rag house is going to require you to take X amount of pounds for X amount of dollars, good or not. They separate by very general methods, often something like "metal zipper" or "polyester", never by something handy like "50's".
There really isn't any easy answer when it comes to acquiring stock, other than to make yourself available to all opportunities and keep yourself able to buy at all times (as in keep a stash of cash).