will this do better on eBay?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by debutanteclothing, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. debutanteclothing

    debutanteclothing VFG Board Member

    I love this dress, and I know a super trendy girl would love it too. The pockets are so cool. But it has not budged. The price seems to be just above average compared to other "avant garde" dresses being sold.

    Do you think it would do better on eBay?

  2. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

  3. texastina

    texastina Registered Guest

    I bet it would do better on Ebay! It's for the right girl - one who is trendy and not afraid to widen her hips with those pockets ;) A similar type dress (in that there were flared hip pieces) was made last week on Project Runway - it was really cool! So perhaps the 'masses' might be looking for something like it? Just my 2 cents ;)
  4. BijouVintage

    BijouVintage Alumni

    WOW! A beauty!
  5. thevintagebungalow

    thevintagebungalow VFG Member

    Its very sculptural, I like it. I think you should try it on ebay with a BIN .
  6. debutanteclothing

    debutanteclothing VFG Board Member

    Great, Ebay it goes.

    avant garde, origami, sculptured...
  7. hatfeathers

    hatfeathers VFG Member

    strapless? or is that just for formal?
  8. thevintagebungalow

    thevintagebungalow VFG Member

  9. TresChic

    TresChic Registered Guest

    oooo this dress is very "now".... i love it!!

    sculptural tailoring....origami....

    maybe the size is affecting buyers?? what are the measurements like??--> you would need a great body/confidence for this....
  10. avamac

    avamac Alumni

    OK, guys...I gotta ask....what IS 'avant garde' clothing.

    Last time I checked (about 1957) 'avant garde' was an insult, like 'egghead' and 'pseudo-intellectual'....usually slung at commie pinko fags, artists, and slackers by mr averageamerican.
  11. TrickVintage

    TrickVintage Registered Guest

    avant garde typically just means something that's "different" or not "mainstream".

    wikipedia has a good definition which includes the following:

    Avant-garde (pronounced [avɑ̃gaʁd] in French) means "advance guard" or "vanguard".[1] The adjective form is used in English, to refer to people or works that are experimental or innovative, particularly with respect to art, culture, and politics.

    Avant-garde represents a pushing of the boundaries of what is accepted as the norm or the status quo, primarily in the cultural realm. The notion of the existence of the avant-garde is considered by some to be a hallmark of modernism, as distinct from postmodernism. However, this is not true in the case of music as many pieces are still being released which are generally considered avant-garde in popular culture.[2] Many artists have aligned themselves with the avant-garde and still continue to do so, tracing a history from Dada to the Situationists to postmodern artists such as the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E writers in the 1980's to many art collectives in the "post-postmodernist"[3] times of today.[
  12. MagsRags

    MagsRags VFG President Staff Member

    on eBay, Avante Garde seems to be the latest KWS term for just about anything 80s.
  13. elvenom

    elvenom Registered Guest

    according to Marc Jacobs on PW, avant garde is something we havent seen.
  14. elvenom

    elvenom Registered Guest

    is it on ebay right now? what size is this? love it love it..would wear it in a heartbeat.

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