Win a walk-on role in Mad Men by wearing vintage!


Staff member
VFG Past President
I have Just The Dress! wooo-hoooo!

Just need some off-white or white 60's pumps to go with it.

I can sooo fix my hair in a 60's bouffant. LOL!

Actually, I thought the guy who won runner up was pretty good. Maybe I need to watch more of the show.
My eyes immeadiately went to #8 as the best choice and I checked and sure enough she won! It looks like most of them are unemployed actors looking for work, or hobbyist 60s vintage wearers trying too hard.
I don't know if I'll enter again this year, but I really really really love doing Mad Men looks! My everyday wear tends to be a little more 1940s-1950s than early 1960s, but last year I managed to do about 5 Betty Draper outfits out of my closet and had a hard time choosing one.

Anyway, I really liked the one I finally submitted, even though I didn't come close to winning :-)


Maybe I'll do a Peggy inspired one this time (I'll never be a Joan *sigh*, but that's ok, Peggy's a fabulous character)!

ell l would have thought Maggie would do a great job with this.....!!!
Jen - I'm surprised you weren't a finalist - your look is great - maybe you didn't have quite the right shoes (I'm a stickler for shoes!), but from the ankles up I would say you are 100% bang on.
Originally posted by Jonathan
Jen - I'm surprised you weren't a finalist - your look is great - maybe you didn't have quite the right shoes (I'm a stickler for shoes!), but from the ankles up I would say you are 100% bang on.

Bingo! :USETHUMBUP: Yes! The shoes are the only thing in that outfit that aren't the correct vintage. Everything else - stockings, foundations, earrings, necklace, scarf, dress & cardigan - is late '50s - early '60s.

But I like to think I didn't win because their voting system is rotten ;)

Thank you all for the kind words! I'm looking forward to seeing some of your entries this year!
