Winter A-Go-Go!!


The movie Winter A-Go-Go just started (8:15 a.m. EST) on TCM. It's from 1965 and it's basically a beach movie set at a ski lodge, hence the gal skiing in a red polka-dot bikini in the opening credits scene! :o

If you like dumb 60's teen flicks and want to see some wild mid-60's ski fashions, which seems to include lots of bikinis, it's on right now!

Janine :icon_coolsnow:
I know - it was terrible. But, it was fun crap!

It looks like TCM has 60's beach flicks on all day long. Right now THE beach movie is on: For Those Who Think Young

I think this was the one that started them all - or I could be wrong. Bob Denver is in it and he basically is himself, from what I understand. Tina Louise sings in this one at some point.
