Woman's Harris Tweed Overcoat - early 60s?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by themerchantsofvintage, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Woman\'s Harris Tweed Overcoat - early 60s?

    Harris Tweed cloth, union made in Canada. I'm a thinkin' early 60s? Yes, no, maybe so?




  2. Selfish bump.

    Not as sexy as swing or deco, but is my dating okay?
  3. Jluthye

    Jluthye Registered Guest

    The lapels/collar does not look 60s to me but the label is throwing me... I am so new at this I hate to say what I think But I love guessing :) ....

    uh dresses are so much easier..they are the only thing I half know.... total wild guess here 50s? maybe late 40s? I dont really know basing of a similar coat I have that is late 40s

    Hope you get some responses
  4. Thanks so much for your imput. Could be earlier ??? Hopefully, someone will confirm.
  5. Jluthye

    Jluthye Registered Guest

  6. amandainvermont

    amandainvermont VFG Member

    I'd be comfortable saying '60s. Do I recall early Harris Tweeds had production numbers on the labels and we were able to contact them for dates?
  7. Thank you both!

    If they make them they usually do have production numbers, Amanda. This label is for the material only - it was union made in Canada.
  8. APrizeEveryTime

    APrizeEveryTime VFG Special Friend

    Deborah, did you check inside all the pockets for a label? I've read that Harris's numbered labels are often squirreled away in there. If you *do* find a number, you can try the Harris Tweed authority through their website at http://www.harristweed.com. If you tell them you need help dating your item and provide the number on the Harris Tweed label and a label shot they may be able to tell you when the tweed was woven.

    But I've also heard it's kind of hit or miss whether they respond. And of course it's a moot point if there's no label with a number to be found!

  9. MyVintageCocktail

    MyVintageCocktail VFG Member

    Deborah, I think your coat may be 50s, by the styling. It looks very much like menswear coats from the 50s. But, the label looks like it could be 60s; I think that's what's throwing us all off! I have a Harris Tweed that I've had for a while, and I do believe I wrote to them with the number, asking for a date of manufacture. Never heard back....
  10. Good advice, MC - nada in the pockets.

    I'll put 50s, 60s and play it safe.

    That's unfortunate you didn't hear back Anne - I've heard they were pretty good at responding, but I guess with so much vintage around they would probably have to hire someone full time to take care of the all the ?s.

    Again, thanks all!!!
  11. owlears

    owlears Registered Guest

    I want to say '60's, but truthfully this style could have been worn even in the early '80's or so. I have numerous copies of The New Yorker magazine and they had frequent ads for Harris Tweed garments for men and women. It was about 82-83 when the Euro-style clothes became so prominent in the US and elsewhere. That was really the death knell for something so preppy as Harris Tweed. Suddenly it was no longer acceptable, only worn by the older crowd who weren't as influenced by fashion trends. Armani and Calvin Klein kinda ruled the world in those days.
  12. Thanks owlears - sorry I don't know your name. Thanks so much for your input. I do know it is older than 80s because of the Canadian union label - I'm doing little digging on that right now as well.

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