Wooden bird box purse

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by RLeaMoore, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. RLeaMoore

    RLeaMoore Registered Guest

    Was wondering if anyone could give me any info. on this purse and box purses in general. Is this a vintage item? If so, any ideas of what decade? What might the handle be made of, and does anyone recognize the label? Thanks

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
    Robin of Frocksley likes this.
  2. Pinkcoke

    Pinkcoke Alumni

    Hi, it's hard to say with something like this without having it in hand, it looks 1950's-60's to me. The handle is likely to be plastic, imitating bamboo.
    I found a sold example here:
  3. These were popular late 60s to early 70s.
  4. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

    Yes, these were popular in the 60s into the early 70s. I can't read your label though.
    Many were made with paper that was designed by the artist Anton Pieck but I don't believe that's the name on yours. I do believe they had kits that you could purchase and do the decoupage work yourself on the wood box purse that was included in the kit.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
  5. I can't read the label either: can you show a close up so the words are readable? It looks like it might read something like "an original by boca bazaar" but that's not getting any responses via google so I must have it wrong.

    This is similar to a jewellery box that I made in school, in 1980. I lined mine in red velvet. The clasp and handle look newer to me and the bird covering reminds me of the fashion for decoupage that was around in the '90s. I think to date I'd want to know more about the materials and construction: is it wood, or papier mache?

    It would be very helpful if you could post close ups the right way up and tell us more.
  6. lkranieri

    lkranieri VFG Member

    I read the label exactly as Nicole did and I found THIS 1973 ad for Boca Bazaar decoupage.
    poppysvintageclothing likes this.
  7. Good work Lynne!
  8. Robin of Frocksley

    Robin of Frocksley Registered Guest

    Cute purse! I love box purses, and the bird motif and plastic bamboo handle on yours look darling. I am not an expert, but I do collect box bags. My favorite purse designer is Enid Collins, who was known for her fabulously bejeweled and whimsically hand-painted box purses. Her box bags were popular mostly in the 60's. Another well-known designer of decorated (hand-painted) box bags was Gary Gail. Both Collins and Gail worked out of Texas, which makes me wonder if that's where the box bag trend took off. I would also love to hear any information people know about box bags. Thanks for posting this!
  9. RLeaMoore

    RLeaMoore Registered Guest

    Here are a few more pictures! It's been hard to get well focused ones to post. The box is definitely wooden and it has a layer of what appears to be the paper over that. The birds a raised from the box, but it's really hard for me to tell how. The lining is a green velvet.

    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  10. Dee Dee Hall

    Dee Dee Hall Registered Guest

    I had a box purse like that. I loved it! Mine though if I remember had a girl on it. I always thought it was from the 70's, it had the 70' s look, but....I cannot find what I did with it. I wished I had kept track of it better.
  11. RLeaMoore

    RLeaMoore Registered Guest

    If anyone can tell me more, or if they ever find more info about that label that would be great! :) thanks.
  12. lkranieri

    lkranieri VFG Member

    I have a bit more information about Boca Bazaar, but THIS August 11, 1960 article on page 10 introduces the new Boca Craft Bazaar, which became Boca Bazaar.

    I am trying to find the last appearance of the store and the latest instance I found so far is 1974, but I will try to confirm that.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  13. RLeaMoore

    RLeaMoore Registered Guest

    That is SO amazing and helpful!!! Thank you very much!!
  14. lkranieri

    lkranieri VFG Member

    I am going down a rabbit hole of fun research on your label, but I need to start attacking the archaeological dig that is my house, so I will have to stop here, with these last two items. I found a November 1977 article that mentioned Boca Bazaar, which is now the latest date I saw, and I found a 1971 ad that mentions the decoupage purses the store was selling for $45.

    BocaBazaarJan13-1977Article.jpg BocaBazaarDecoupagePurses1971Ad.jpg
  15. RLeaMoore

    RLeaMoore Registered Guest

    That is INCREDIBLE! You are a magician!

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