Woodstock - 40 years this August...


VFG Member
I was looking at these photos on the web and suddenly had a thought ... Imagine how different things would have been (not in a good way) if they had had cell phones/texting etc. Or is that just me being an old fogey?

There's a movie coming out soon about the guys who made Woodstock happen. I saw the preview and don't remember the name, but it looked pretty entertaining.

It was on the wrong side of the continent for me to attend, but I was there in spirit! (Except for the mud-bathing part.)

Wonder where that red, white and blue dress is now?
That bottom pic isn't from 1969 is it? The drink she is holding in her lap looks too new - am I crazy? Also the couple on the upper right look like its a period photo but isn't she wearing white sneakers? They didn't make sneakers like that in 1969 - maybe its something else she is wearing but they sure look like Nike 90s sneakers in the blur.
I agree with Jonathan. Methinks the last girl is from the woodstock anniversary. I wonder of the couple in the middle photo were there for a second time too. I forget what year that was...maybe 1994?
OH! That makes sense. I was looking at the drink thing too and wondering - I knew they did the t-shirt way back when - but I couldn't imagine them putting out those plastic souvenir drink holders. Don't know about the other photo and the shoes, but I certainly listen when Jonathan speaks!
ya, the last pic has to be from 1994.

I was there, it wasn't fun, with the exception of the Violent Femmes.
Originally posted by Pinky-A-GoGo
ya, the last pic has to be from 1994.

I was there, it wasn't fun, with the exception of the Violent Femmes.

Really? What made it un-fun? The crowd? The music?

Wasn't there one concert that was everyone who was still around from the first time and then the other anniversary one was whomever? I vaguely recall the "originals" were not doing the anniversary one and it was an alternative show? Or do I not remember correctly?
it just wasn't my kinda thing.

we got tickets because we know one of the bands that played...so a bunch of us went and we camped ( i should have known right there this was going to be a bad thing!!) I spent 3 days sleeping in a car, because it was more comfortable than a tent-ugh, ugh.
The bathroom situation was beyond gross.
The people were drunk, dirty and obnoxious. It was filthy, rainy, dirty, and EXPENSIVE. I was living in NYC at the time and the prices people were charging for water would have made Donald Trump jealous.

The music was good-Cypress Hill-excellent, Rollins Band, Violent Femmes, Porno for Pyros-all excellent...A lot of crappy bands too.

It was just too dirty for me :D
1994 had a freind who is a comedian was an opening act then.... I live 45 minutes from the site and traffic was backed up to here....

Ah...so maybe the "dirty" part was just them wanting to recreate the poorly planned rest room situation they had at the first one.....