Your Finest Vintage-Selling questions


VFG Board Member
Hi Everyone!

I want to pcik your brains.
Everyone is welcome to answer. I want to hear from as many of you fine sellers as possible.

When you have a really good piece-couture, collectible, rare, good construction, historical significance, etc...

Where do you prefer to sell?
Do you feel you get your money's worth?
Do you only sell online?

I don't want you to give away trade secrets, I'm just curious about the best way to sell high end vintage.

And if anyone is uncomfortable with my questions, please let me know. I know people go crazy on the eBay boards when people talk best practices. Although I think this board is a little more laid back :USETHUMBUP:
I think this is probably a dilemma for most vintage sellers. I sell on ebay so I can only speak to that. When I do have a really nice piece I usually put a reasonable reserve or a starting price that I can live with. I don’t like to use reserves, but I have seen too many great pieces go for well below what they are worth. Having said that, I dont think you can get the amount of exposure anywhere else.

Selling in an auction format is so unpredictable. The piece you think will do great could tank, and vice versa. Its a gamble. A huge problem lately with ebay is the proliferation of non vintage items in the category, which hurts us all.

We do have many members who have fabulous websites. I am sure they could give you much better answers.
You can ALWAYS get your "money's worth" - but it depends on two things.

1) How long are you willing to wait for a buyer?


2) Where are you able and/or willing to sell? (and at what cost)

It really is up to you. Of course, there are market forces to contend with, but as long as you aren't being insane about your asking price, then the two factors posted above are all you really need to concern yourself with. :USETHUMBUP:

I find for me, that there are some things that will only sell well on Ebay, then there are others that only do well on my site.

At the fairs I go to though, it's pretty much a mixed bag and really depends on the fair too. There are some fairs where I will only sell 1940's and 50's dresses and nothing else gets a looking and then I've been to fairs where all I sell are bras and corsets!

The high end stuff for me, does better online (both on Ebay and C&C with C&C having the better sales) than at the fairs as people can pay by Paypal on the credit cards and I have worldwide exposure whereas at the fairs, people have a set wad of cash and it's only the locals who come.
Do you sit it in your store/on your site to be an attention grabber? Do you feature it on a week when you have similar era items of good merit but less worth as side items?

It is the universal dilemma.

I have heard that spectacular vintage items, such as a Beer gown or Worth gown would do well at live auction by one of the major houses. I couldn't tell you that from experience, though.
Thanks everyone!
What kind of customers are buying your fine vintage (ie couture, designer, collectible)? Are they customers that collect and/or wear? Are they designers? Stylists?

Do you do anything different to market these special vintage pieces?

Thanks again everyone! Your insights are fantastic info.