Youth Craft Wool Coat


Registered Guest

I bought the most beautiful Wool coat this weekend. The brand is Youth Craft, Which I have been having a hard time finding online. I was wondering if any of you know anything about the brand ie. When they started? When did they close?

I'll try and post some pictures soon. It's too pretty not to share.
Hi Emily,

Are you in Australia? I think I've seen a Melbourne label called Youth Craft on some late '50s-'60s items. If you can show photos of the labels and your coat, it will help.
Is it Youth Craft or Youthcraft?

I have had & seen quite a few Youthcraft coats here in the USA, most are 50s-70s.


Your right, It's YouthCraft. I wasn't sure if I should space it or not. The label doesn't look spaced but online I seen the same label for sale and people had it spaced so I wasn't for sure.
From a legal document, 1958 : "Youthcraft occupied the fifth, sixth, and seventh floors of a building located at 306 West 8th Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Its business was that of manufacturing women's clothing."

I know it operated back in the 40s as well.

You all are so much better at this than I am. I can't ever find things, and you come back with a legal document. Thanks for all the help.

If I get home soon enough I'll post pictures tonight.
I had a wonderful YouthCraft a few years ago - I had a terrible time finding a replacement for the missing button which is why I remember it! It had a great rabbit fur collar. Please excuse my terrible photos - just trust me the coat was really wonderful - would love to see yours :)


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Here's my coat. I love it!

To me it looks a bit 70s with the collar and then the back and sleeves have a Military look. It's by far my favorite thrift store find.

I feel like you could find something like this in a shop today and pay hundreds of dollars for it.