Early 60s Hugh Hefner Smoking Jacket- Beverly Hills London Shoppe label

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Jonny Monza, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Jonny Monza

    Jonny Monza Registered Guest

    I picked this up at an estate sale a few years ago- So here's the story: I've always wondered if it was legitimate--- Was said to have belonged to a gentleman who did tile work in the early 60s who "did a tile job at the Hefner estate. Hugh Hefner liked the tile job so much that he gave him the jacket" (quote- relative of the deceased). The sizing looks about right; and the label says Beverly Hills London Shoppe. Is this a possibility? I love the jacket regardless, I would've bought it either way- its actually one of my favorites. But what are the chances it really belonged to Hugh Hefner? Just a fun question for you all, thanks! Here is a picture of me wearing it, enjoy!​
    - Jonny Monza

  2. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    Well, who knows? It could be true, it could be a tale that's grown in the telling, or it could be completely made up. It's hearsay, so unless you can find some evidence, you'll never know. Maybe try and find a picture of Hef wearing it?

    Great jacket anyway!
    Jonny Monza likes this.
  3. joules

    joules VFG Member

    It certainly has that Hef look, and you wear it well.
    I'd probably believe that tale, in part, because of the bit about the tile work. They could have concocted something more glamorous, so for me, this lends credence.

    I once found a nice sport coat at a yard sale in Hollywood, that had belonged to Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
    It was noted inside the coat.
    Jonny Monza likes this.
  4. MissRita

    MissRita Guest

    Hey, you never know Jonny and anyway, the coat is smashing on you.

    Oh wow, really Joules? Did you sell the coat or maybe have a pic of it? I love that Hollywood period and would love to see it! Would faint if I ever found a garment with a name like Fairbanks of Pickford in it.
    Jonny Monza likes this.
  5. joules

    joules VFG Member

    Is that you, Jonny, or your model?

    For real, Rita. It was, what for him, would have been a casual item, probably 60s era or so, as I recall, though my recollection is hazy at this point. I left it over at a boyfriend's house, and then it got spaced. Coud kick myself, really.
    Jonny Monza likes this.
  6. MissRita

    MissRita Guest

    Oy, I could kick you too. LOL Still, must have been a great feeling to find it!
    Jonny Monza likes this.
  7. It might or might not have been Hugh Hefner's, but it was certainly made for you!
    Jonny Monza and Retro Ruth like this.
  8. Jonny Monza

    Jonny Monza Registered Guest

    Thankyou Joules! Yes that's me wearing it :) You bring up an excellent point: you'd think they would've made up a more ridiculous tale--- The funny part about it, is that even if it really did belong to Hugh Hefner nobody would ever believe me!

    By the way, that's an awesome find! Douglas Fairbanks was the man. Cheers
  9. Jonny Monza

    Jonny Monza Registered Guest

    Thank you Liza! ;)
  10. Jonny Monza

    Jonny Monza Registered Guest

    Thank you Ruth! :)
    Retro Ruth likes this.
  11. Jonny Monza

    Jonny Monza Registered Guest

    Thank you Rita :)
  12. joules

    joules VFG Member

    Hey Jonny, you rock!

    It causes one to wonder about the sources of his many smoking jackets, doesn't it?
    From the image he cultivates, it seems that's all he ever wears. Must buy them by the dozen, if so.

    I don't remember the London Shoppe in BH, but it would be interesting to know more about it.

    Okay, keep that smoking jacket, and don't do as I did with the movie star jacket, and leave it in someone's bedroom!
    Jonny Monza likes this.

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