Who is 20s designer JULIA HOYT?!

Leta Troka

VFG Member
I'm looking for any information on the designer of this exquisite gown. I'm having the worst time coming up with anything. Looks like 1920s or early 30s to me. Thought?
Can you believe I found this in such great shap in the Goodwil bins!
Any help would be appreciated.


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What a fabulous find Leta... and in the bins, no less!!! Does it just slip over the head? Any zipper or button closures? if so where are they located? The lack of a defined waist has me leaning to the 1920s. But let's see what others have to say.
She must be - how interesting! Thanks for all your help folks!
This is one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever had! That golden lace (with no tears at all) and just look at the pin.
Yes, it pulls overhead with no closures and the slip with the attached pink skirt is separate.


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Julia was mentioned briefly in The New Yorker several times in 1925 and 1926. Here's a quote:

"MESSRS. LEFKOWITZ & PITOFSKY, "Creators of Better Coats and Suits," have recently been boasting, by circular letter to New York's publications, that they have signed a ten years' contract with Mrs. Julia Lydig Hoyt to design for them. It is with relief that I read "Mrs. Hoyt . . . will work with us such hours as do not conflict with her theatrical work." At present those hours are twenty-four to a day, but Mrs. Hoyt has said that she will take up her career again in the Fall. MRS. HOYT has very nearly arrived. She has come to the point where face creams bid for her endorsement (and she has endorsed them). Editors have asked her to write notes on social etiquette (and she has written them). The motion picture industry and the stage have known her and now she is a designer "at the highest salary ever paid to an American." Mrs. Hoyt's career is not particularly an original one; she has merely done better in it. Slim, dark beauty has an added asset. In essence, it is a capitalization of the modern American passion for aristocracy.
Such a career is yearly offering more and more inducement to the eligible young ladies of our overflowing social register. It gratifies suppressed desires for public attention and, incidentally, it pays. Moreover, the exploitation of a "society name" requires much less scheming than a girl's enemies will admit.
You can also find more information about her if you Google "Julia Lydig Hoyt".

This also from Google Books: