Heard of \'Town & country Shoes\'? poss. 60\'s embroidered convertable bag
I'm not having much joy finding this company, despite it being Ltd & Rgd on the label and the only examples I can find seem to be US/Canadian so I think this may be a brand you know more about than me! I have also only found examples from the 60's/70's but none anything like this (most were leather/faux/suede brown examples)
Presumably it's like Clarks in that they made matching bags for their shoes. Can anyone help to pin point the period? I can see it coming from the 60's but don't when the floral embroidery was more popular, or perhaps it's just seasonal? i.e. spring/summer or wedding wear?
Also it has a sort of dusty coloured line on the bottom at the back, are there any tips for cleaning this? The fabric appears to be quite a sturdy linen effect mix.
I'm not having much joy finding this company, despite it being Ltd & Rgd on the label and the only examples I can find seem to be US/Canadian so I think this may be a brand you know more about than me! I have also only found examples from the 60's/70's but none anything like this (most were leather/faux/suede brown examples)
Presumably it's like Clarks in that they made matching bags for their shoes. Can anyone help to pin point the period? I can see it coming from the 60's but don't when the floral embroidery was more popular, or perhaps it's just seasonal? i.e. spring/summer or wedding wear?
Also it has a sort of dusty coloured line on the bottom at the back, are there any tips for cleaning this? The fabric appears to be quite a sturdy linen effect mix.