1. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    Hi - does anyone know when this Dickies tag is from? I picked up a couple of plain shirts from a charity shop for £1 each and can’t find much information about this particular label. I’m hoping they are genuine but at least I won’t have lost much if they turn out to be off. Btw, this is my first post - I look forward to learning much from these forums. Thanks.

    2134D968-A0DC-4A55-B6B4-F2BCA1173591.jpeg 2BB1A771-448F-448D-9964-3D67EFF667AF.jpeg
  2. Avantbo

    Avantbo Registered Guest


    Not sure you tried very hard in your research.

    Dickies is a Global workwear brand, established in 1922, Wikipedia has a full writeup on the brand.

    Still at £1.00 each, not a bad buy and I believe they still sell something similar today.
  3. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest


    Thanks for the reply.

    I am very much aware of Dickies, that’s why I bought the shirts. My question was regarding the specific tag that I photographed. I was wondering what year/decade this tag is from as I can’t find this particular tag when searching.
    retro ruth likes this.
  4. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    Hi and welcome to the forums! First off - we do not authenticate items in the forums, so that question must remain unanswered. What we can hopefully help with is dating. Does the shirt have any other labels, like care labels? If yes, please post photos of those as well. Things like that can help with dating.
  5. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    Hi Midge,

    I read the forum rules so am aware that questions cannot asked regarding authentication - I was just making a general comment about my hope that the shirts were genuine.

    Here are pictures of the care label, both sides and also a pictures of the stitching on the sleeve and hem.

    Thank you for your help!

    6007C9F8-AE93-44D4-ABB9-F76BC28A8E4C.jpeg CDB21D38-2E2C-4B7B-8113-BC56D159E340.jpeg 788B0BFD-0047-49D7-B851-C73091BF548F.jpeg B3208CDD-02C2-4E2B-A21C-6532A40DA056.jpeg
    retro ruth likes this.
  6. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    I dunno, I think the symbols on the care label were all around in the late 80’s and the material blend was also popular in the late 80’s as well as the single stitch, so I’m wondering if this could be from that era?

    If anyone else had any thoughts that would be great!
  7. Vintagiality

    Vintagiality VFG Treasurer Staff Member

    The bar code on the tag and tag style also makes me think more modern
  8. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    the barcode is just the price tag from the charity shop.
  9. Vintagiality

    Vintagiality VFG Treasurer Staff Member

    In that case they could be 80s. The addition of the fifth care label symbol I believe happened in 1985 in Europe. Does it say where they were made? I presume you are in the UK.
  10. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    I am in the UK but it doesn’t say where they were made. The only labels are the ones that I posted.
  11. Avantbo

    Avantbo Registered Guest

    They might be Dickies scrubs work wear?
  12. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    That might be a good suggestion, they do look like that sort of thing but I couldn’t find anything that was an exact match on Google.
  13. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Agree that as lacking any drying symbol, they could be earlier than mid 80s, though this isn't definitive, and doesn't rule out it being later. The style of the symbols to me suggests also not much older than 80s.

    I'm not very familiar with the Dickies brand to say more, but the shirt is somewhat timeless, making it difficult to date. I think if you said, 'probably 80s' that would be a fair assessment.

    And, welcome!
  14. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    Thank you Ruth, that is helpful!
    retro ruth likes this.
  15. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

  16. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    thanks for that. I did have a look on their site but can’t find anything resembling the tag I posted.
  17. Avantbo

    Avantbo Registered Guest


    I have been very curious about the label so have been doing a little more delving but not sure what I have will help or you may already know.

    Much of the Dickies short sleeve workwear I have viewed have two breast pockets not one which is what made me think the shirts might be part of their Scrubs Workwear.

    I could not originally find anything that remotely looked like the label logo and colours used.

    You will already be aware of their standard colours in their logos/labels although I did find a couple of variations.

    Also, most of the short sleeve shirts have two labels, the other attached to a sleeve or bottom of shirt but again standard colours.

    I did trawl through eBay and found a couple of Dickies Shirts whose labels came damn close, White/Blue but no other information to be had.

    However a little more perseverance and if legit, I think your shirts were made in Portugal or Bulgaria and not for the UK market, 80s into 90s

    This info came from Dickies themselves.

    Lastly and I didn't know this, while Dickies clothing is still available most places, if I understand correctly, from the manufacturing side of things they have all but shut shop at least in Europe.
  18. Bewareofthewolves

    Bewareofthewolves Registered Guest

    Thank you so much for looking into this - your investigative skills are much more sophisticated than mine! The information that you found is very helpful.

    I found this picture and the label on the bottoms right, although only a portion of it is visible looks to resemble the one on my shirts.


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