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  1. Avantbo

    Avantbo Registered Guest

    Look at them labels, the two variations I found, on one the shoe had been flipped and on the other the shoe was pointing down.

    The three labels in your image, top left, bottom right and near top center do all look similar to yours.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2021
  2. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    I agree, because it's such a timeless style, it is hard to date. The care label does look a little "older" so I think 80s all in all is not a bad guess.
  3. Alex Nadiger

    Alex Nadiger Registered Guest

    Can anyone help with the dating of this?

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  4. genuine.Uegene

    genuine.Uegene Registered Guest

    Yesm hel
    P is needed to date mine jacket

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