Welcome to our newest VFG member Jeanne Rowell of Hush antiques vintage


VFG President
Staff member

Welcome icon @Hushantiquesvintage
Please welcome Jeanne Rowell from Hush Antiques Vintage Beauty with History. She is from beautiful Loves Park, Illinois. Jeanne has been selling vintage in a B&M for over 12 years and has been on eBay since 2005. She also sells on social media and hosts live sales on Whatnot. I've known Jeanne for quite some time now, and we are lucky to have her, her positivity is infectious!

Jeanne on Ebay-

Jeanne on Instagram-

Jeanne on Whatnot-

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View attachment 199992

Welcome icon @hushantiquesvintage@gmail
Please welcome Jeanne Rowell from Hush Antiques Vintage Beauty with History. She is from beautiful Loves Park, Illinois. Jeanne has been selling vintage in a B&M for over 12 years and has been on eBay since 2005. She also sells on social media and hosts live sales on Whatnot. I've known Jeanne for quite some time now, and we are lucky to have her, her positivity is infectious!

Jeanne on Ebay-
View attachment 199990

Jeanne on Instagram-
View attachment 199991

Jeanne on Whatnot-
View attachment 199993

Thank you. I have hesitated joining because AI have been so intimidated by the amazing people in VFG. I hope to add whatever I can and learn also.
Live Shows are a new beast for me ,(U of Illinois degree is communications, but who would have imagined live streaming in 1988). Thank you for your allowing me to join. Hugs to all. Yep Midwestern small town girl...we hug. So bear hugs to all!
..... have been so intimidated by the amazing people in VFG
So glad you applied anyway! And once you get comfortable here, it would be great to talk about how the VFG might bridge that gap for other qualified folks who are hesitating.

Midwestern small town girl
Me too! I grew up on a small farm about an hour outside of Chicago. We were dirt poor, which is partly how I got from hand-me-downs to vintage.

BTW, check your direct messages - it's the little envelope icon in the upper right corner of the page. When you have a message waiting, you will see a little red flag there.