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  1. MagsRags

    Welcome back to the upgraded forum

    Thank you, Ruth! I am still getting used to the new nomenclature, and didn't realize I could customize the organization that works best for me.
  2. MagsRags

    Searching for Jebaily-Lonschein

    Welcome to the VFG forums! I see that one of our members, Susan of Northstar Vintage currently has a 70s Diana Dean by Julius Lonschein jumpsuit listed on Etsy. Do you have any idea what decade the label shifted from Diana Dean to the later Lonschein version? We don't currently have your Diana...
  3. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2024

    We have a fresh Fresh Vintage reel to enjoy. Click to watch it on the VFG's YouTube channel. And please Like, Comment, and Share!
  4. MagsRags

    Fresh Vintage - Sept. 12 - Sept. 18

    photos are clickable links New at, a 40s Beacon blanket robe in glen plaid And was new on Etsy, but sold within a few days, a WW2 service cap with brass badge
  5. MagsRags

    50 Shades of Green: The VFG Fashion Parade for the Week of September 16

    At - photos are clickable links 70s mint green striped maxi dress with jacket by Joan Sparks for Alamor Another 70s maxidress with jacket, but this one is lurex,and the jacket is bomber style with dagger collar Stretchy palazzo pants from Miss Shaheen 60s silk cocktail...
  6. MagsRags

    Joan Robert's beaded beauty!-designer/clothing line?

    I went searching from the other direction for info on Joan Roberts actress, and I agree with Lynne that I don't think there is a direct connection. I found two Joan Roberts - the older was born in 1918 and was the original Laurie in Oklahoma on Broadway. The younger was born in 1952, grew up...
  7. MagsRags

    Department Store Labels: The VFG Fashion Parade for the Week of September 9

    at, photos are clickable links a curvy 50s jacket of Palm Beach cloth, from The Ring at Bullock's in Westwood CA A 70s day dress from the Mollie Parnis Boutique at Saks Fifth Avenue in NYC A high end Mod dress & coat ensemble - no designer tag, but does have a Joseph Magnin...
  8. MagsRags

    Vintage Black Feather Hat

    This Saturday Evening Post article from 2016 re-publishes a 1931 article about the near extinction of egrets and other birds used to decorate women's hats. According to the original article, it became widely fashionable in the 1890s.
  9. MagsRags

    Vintage Black Feather Hat

    Please don’t take my partially informed impulse as worth hanging your hat on. :BAGUSE: Hopefully Barbara @Rue_de_la_Paix will be along soon to render an actual expert opinion. I will say that I was at the Met on Labor Day for the last day of Sleeping Beauties (wonderful!) and there was one...
  10. MagsRags

    Vintage Black Feather Hat

    Wow! Lord knows I am no feather (or hat) expert, but those look like egret, and it makes me think Edwardian, which I am not well versed in either. On an internet search, the closest I could come to the vision in my head was this period photograph, labeled as 1910s Belle Epoque
  11. MagsRags

    Stetson Cowboy Hat Information

    The suggestion by Jen S re: searching similar sold items on eBay is a good one. As laid out in our forum FAQs, we cannot authenticate or price items.
  12. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    and 70s Wrangler corduroy flares ADDED TO THE LR 9-11-24, THANKS MAGGIE!
  13. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    70s straight leg Student corduroy jeans Added to the LR 9/12/24 Thanks, Maggie!
  14. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    More denim from my Sold files, this time Wrangler. 70s "Student Style" Fashion Jeans Added to the LR 9/12/24 Thanks, Maggie!
  15. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    One more H Bar C, this time corduroy bellbottoms - probably late 60s into early 70s ADDED TO THE LR 9-10-24, THANKS MAGGIE!
  16. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    Cleaning up some files, and came across a few labels I don't think we have in the LR H Bar C western shirt, late 60s Also H Bar C, 70s Tomboy denim bell bottoms ADDED TO THE LR 9-10-24, THANKS MAGGIE!
  17. MagsRags

    McGregor Mystery Label

    80s might be right. The Japanese reproduction company this reminded me of is Sun Surf, and they started in the 80s. Sun Surf shirts typically retail for more than $200.
  18. MagsRags

    McGregor Mystery Label

    There were Japanese companies doing very nice 50s style reproduction shirts awhile back. I hadn't specifically seen any with the McGregor label, but searching "mcgregor Japanese reproduction" did show me a vintage style t-shirt on Grailed with a McGregor label that is somewhat different than...
  19. MagsRags

    Fresh Vintage - Sept. 5 - Sept. 11

    It must be autumn, so many wonderful coats and sweaters! New at, photos are clickable links 60s slingback stiletto heels in a gorgeous combination of buttery suede and leather with faux decorative buckle A 50s day dress with tie collar and accordion pleated skirt - it's a...
  20. MagsRags

    Please help no brand or label just a small swatch in pocket with 7286

    That’s an old dry cleaner tag. It would match the number on the receipt given to the owner for a chain of evidence.
  21. MagsRags

    Everything you need to know about caring for your vintage collection

    Interesting. I haven't noticed that, but will think about it going forward. Most of my stock is stored in cardboard banker-style boxes, which breathe a bit. The moisture level in the room is ;pretty even and that seems to work OK.
  22. MagsRags

    **Post Labels for the LABEL RESOURCE Here** 2024 CLOSED

    I have a 40s jacket in my personal wardrobe with a Juilliard label, and was inspired by @ShabbyKathy 's post about hers to see what I could find out. My best recollection from seeing vintage magazine ads over the years was that Juilliard was the maker of the fabric, not the garment, similar to...
  23. MagsRags

    Fresh Vintage - Aug. 22 - Aug. 28

    New at - photos are clickable links 30s velvet jacket with ruched sleeve cuffs and fur collar 60s Mod metallic dress in op art print 90s Mary Quant cosmetics tee-shirt, Kawaii style
  24. MagsRags

    Help dating Blush Pink Silk Rayon (?) Nightgown (?) Dressing Gown (?)

    More likely a nightgown than a dressing gown since it goes on over your head, mussing up hairdo and makeup.
  25. MagsRags

    Any ideas what this is ? ....

    I think I found the buttons for sale
  26. MagsRags

    Help with name of western clothing brand "Lilia..."

    Thanks Ruth! Yes, I have had other Lilia Smith dresses as well. I think that comes from some folks winging it, and then others find them in searches, and accept the original guess as fact. We see the same problem with dating sometimes. The trademark info is pretty conclusive - someone had to...
  27. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2024

    I am reminded of Groucho Marx in A Day At The Races playing up to Esther Muir. "Thank you." "No. Thank Yo!" So... back at you. Thank YO!!
  28. MagsRags

    VFG's Fresh Vintage on YouTube: 2024

    Fresh Vintage is back with a new video reel on our YouTube channel. I am very fond of the image used for the cover - it came from sheet music circa 1916. The song is titled "When Helen Cast Her Ballot".
  29. MagsRags

    The VFG News for August 2024 is hot off the press!

    I so enjoyed reading it. Thank you, Maggie! ETA: I was fascinated by Leigh Wishner's take on 1980s and 1990s as peak avante garde in terms of textiles. It would be wonderful to have a workshop on this here. I would love to have a new frame for 90s fashion.