It's No. 87
"Remaining (as it still remains) a social ‘mix’ the Abingdon-Scarsdale area was not unaffected by the liverlier ambitions in residential areas of inner west London perceptible in the 1960s: Biba set up at No. 87 Abingdon Road in 1964–6"
From: 'The Abingdon Villas and Scarsdale...
The name sounds pretty 70s, as does the style. Fabric content labels were a legal requirement in the UK from 1976 (although of course some were used anyway before that depending on the manufacturer's inclination). Hard to say without pictures though, so just a guess - sounds cool though!
I've been so busy this week this is the first chance I've had to do my rather belated 'preview' of my auctions.. ending tomorrow night UK time!
All at auction on eBay UK here:
plus a few others with one lonely bid so you could potentially...
Lei, I rang you bac but you're not in. I have a few things at the antiques centre so will try and get there over the weekend.. although I have a feeling they are big so don't stop looking!
Should be adding the measurements tomorrow:
60s phil jacobs cut out dress:
Thanks guys! Yes I did Jonathan - almost double (?!) Oh, the weirdness of ebay.. whereas other things went for the start price and therefore about a quarter of what I paid out for them originally. Hey ho, c'est la vie and all that.
I'm really sad about selling the 40s wedding suit this week...
Am making way on the website for lots of fresh stock, so things are going up on the block with low starting bids and no reserves!
Sorry no pictures (I am so tired tonight!) but you can look here:
to see the gallery view on eBay.
More to come! I...
Lincoln has had quite a bit of flooding and quite a lot of businesses were affected in the very city centre around the Brayford (inevitable if you have a massive pool of water in the moddle of town really!). Luckily although we're not far from there we live halfway up the hill so apart from not...
Yes - I've been reducing a few things on my website to make way for new stock to be listed, and other things I have put up for auction to make room!
I am just trying not to fill up the space again on the rails just as quickly... :D
LOL - wasn't for me.. in the end i sold her a bias cut 30s affair in a slightly larger size. It was for her wedding dress, so had the one above been available it would have been perfect. Will remember it's there!
lol - yes, it's horrid! house in the next street got struck in the storms and basically burnt out the top floor and i lost my PC and internet. Now have new modem but attached to dodgy laptop for now. Still raining and chilly here too - am wearing hiking socks to keep warm..
1. That I didn't go to Glastonbury (again) this year, and am not currently trying to get my car out of an impossibly muddy field - and probably ending up paying a entrepreneurial farmer £5 for a tow. Coming to think of it I bet it's more by now...
But more importantly;
2. The fact that I...
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