Getting carried away here


Staff member
VFG Past President
This month at denisebrain, I'm just doing the usual: GETTING CARRIED AWAY WITH VINTAGE!

I'm most indebted to my guy for major help putting this ditty together:

Carried away!

(There is a tiny reason to have your sound up for this one...)
You would have to ask that Mary Jane! This one took about 8 hours...and I had help! :BAGUSE: They don't usually take so much time.

I'm not sure if these lead to any tremendous sales and/or attention, but they give me some jollies!
It looks great Maggie! :wub:

But, the only sound I hear is the little car beeping at the end. :no:

What am I missing??

I think I'm getting a crush on Maggie
Thank you all! The movie references are making me smile huge!!

And Amanda...what will Jose think? ;)
WHAT a delight!!

I loved it! Watched it 6, 7 who knows how many times. Enough times to ask you whether your co-star (the one with the 'speaking part') was a Mini Cooper :D

Oh! You! (words fail me----)

