Search results

  1. Hattysattic

    royal mail on strike on friday...

    Thanks Heather! Thought that might be appening but didn't know when.
  2. Hattysattic

    J.O. Ballard & CO - Need Help Dating

    I found this about the company from a newspaper archive of Malone papers 1904 Jan 13: BALLARD J. O. Col W. C. SKINNER, of Hartford, Conn, was in Malone last week attending the meeting for reorganization of the firm of J. O...
  3. Hattysattic

    This Week's BustownModern auctions!

    Hopefully someone else will be able to help - I would have said 40s from the cut of the shoulders and bodice, but not quite wasp waisted enough to be a new look style. I'll do some looking too!
  4. Hattysattic

    This Week's BustownModern auctions!

    Fantastic Anessa! Photographs are just lovely. I do tend to think of new look as being very full skirted myself - gorgeous dress though!
  5. Hattysattic

    California Design School Fashion Show

    Cool - very interesting. Thanks Linda!
  6. Hattysattic

    We're having a JON-A-THON!

    Fantastic! And looks like you'll need a stack of signed photo's to go along with those book signings Jonathan so I hope you're prepared! :) :USETHUMBUP:
  7. Hattysattic

    60s Geoffrey Beene - ?s

    Ooh, lovely! I agree on the date, and think it will do very nicely :)
  8. Hattysattic

    french vintage

    lol Sara, I think you may be right.. although you never know! I'd look and see if there are any flea markets advertised locally. I had a quick look on the tourism website but searches for vintage and antique came up blank. Should be lovely shopping or not - have fun!
  9. Hattysattic

    B&M Italy-too please

    and heres a thing from Luckymag
  10. Hattysattic

    B&M Italy-too please

    I wish I did ! Found this info at "AN UP-AND-COMER In ancient Rome, the Suburra was a working-class area near the Imperial forums. Now known as Monti, the district is headed toward shabby chic. Most of the action is on the Via del Boschetto. Locals love Il Tarlo's (No. 2a...
  11. Hattysattic

    Brick and Mortar Vintage Stores/Shops list - UK and Ireland

    There is a fair old vintage section in the Oxfam charity shop. Also Priestleys Vintage (11 Grape lane) Probably more little ones, used to be one down toward the university but that was...
  12. Hattysattic

    USPS 1st class & Global Priority

    Interesting to see how it works out - thanks lei!
  13. Hattysattic

    Crime against fashion?

    In the mid 90s my boyfriend at the time would probably have been in trouble, as he favoured a very low slung jean. We'd stopped at a patisserie on the way into town, and nearly missed the bus. Yes, you've guessed it - we ran, I got on, turned back with the bus moving away to see him...
  14. Hattysattic

    Crime against fashion?

    (and sorry, I didn't mean to post in vintage chatter. unless they are wearing vintage jeans perhaps :P )
  15. Hattysattic

    Crime against fashion?

    Baggy trousers banned in Delcambre, Louisiana.. so no shooping now!
  16. Hattysattic

    Big toy recall for Thomas the Tank engine

    That's really bad! thanks for posting Jenn.
  17. Hattysattic

    Vintage in London

    Hello :) You might find some responses in this thread but hopefully some city folk will stop by and help you out too. Wish I was going on a shopping trip...
  18. Hattysattic

    Hello all!

    certainly will - when I get my camera back I will post pictures of my (currently ramshackle) outbuildings!
  19. Hattysattic

    Hello all!

    Aw, thanks Jenn. I just want to be, wobbly!
  20. Hattysattic

    $10,000 Vintage 1940s Wrangler PRE LEVIS Lawsuit Jeans?!

    Well I wish I did know more, as that looks to be an interesting auction! There are some denim experts about so hopefully someone will be able to give you more information :)
  21. Hattysattic

    Hello all!

    I sincerely hope so! :cool2:
  22. Hattysattic

    Hello all!

    Just thought I'd post as I have been pretty absent from the boards, and wanted to say hi! :hiya: Like everyone summer is busy busy trying to keep selling. I've opened another room at the antiques centre so my spare room is now nearly cleared of rails (just the top floor to go, lol!). Have...
  23. Hattysattic

    What would you call..

    Sorry, went AWOL on this post! Heather that would be great as no, I haven't found one yet. I know I've thrown out old raggy fake furs etc. aplenty over the years but stupidly didn't keep any of the fasteners.
  24. Hattysattic

    What would you call..

    Thanks Sara - I'll try that!
  25. Hattysattic

    What would you call..

    a furriers type hook and eye - the type you would see to close a fur or fake fur coat? I have a faux fur cape in cream and am looking for a closure for the neck, I believe it would have been a hook and eye rather than a button and loop affair. (Sorry no pictures, my camera has gone on the...
  26. Hattysattic

    wedding dress any idea on date..

    60s, and oh i do love wedding dresses!
  27. Hattysattic

    molyneux labelled tie

    I have a fairly skinny sharkskin effect tie with motif. I'm not entirely sure of date (I hate dating ties, but I would *think* late 50s early 60s) And before you ask, my camera has broken completely and i am photographless until I can borrom one or take this into the shop next week to fix...
  28. Hattysattic

    Any tricks to remove indelible ink?

    Sadly you do have to rinse, but i managed to spot clean the area without water-rings (amazingly!)
  29. Hattysattic

    Any tricks to remove indelible ink?

    I'm sure those will do the trick but Amodex ink and stain remover rocks. It's fairly pricy but I was completely amazed - I sound like one of those ads! - as it removed an enormous old (approx 80 years!) what I think was fountain pen ink from silk satin with no damage as one of those last resort...
  30. Hattysattic

    please some help with this dress!

    Another one out of her depth - I thought the same Sara as it all just seems a bit clean and fresh looking.. interested to hear a more expert opinion!