We're having a JON-A-THON!


Staff member
VFG Past President
We\'re having a JON-A-THON!

In case you hadn't noticed, we're having a JON-A-THON!

Jonathan Walford's new books have come out: The Seductive Shoe - Four Centuries of Fashion Footwear and Ready to Tear - Paper Fashions of the 1960s. We are celebrating these on the home page, along with his new fashion features article on the history of dye, Dyeing to be Fashionable.

Run, don't walk, to the homepage and check it all out!!


i hope jonathan isnt going to read this ...:USING:...but ..coooooore isnt he cute.....

he can talk to me about shoes anyday....

seriously...... the guy is a total inspiration to us all......cant wait to get my hands on his books ...( yes i did say books )
I can't wait to get my copy. *tapping toe*

And I agree with the rest...Jonathan is very easy on the eyes!!! :D
