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  1. Hattysattic

    biba price label?

    I have no legs on my manni! I need a stocking display leg really, must buy one.. I'll take a picture later if I can. The label being transferred makes sense Liz - I had assumed they must be 70s because.. well, they're purple and glittery! I didn't think that could be the price in the 70s but...
  2. Hattysattic

    biba price label?

    From the VFG quick tips when I googled (always under your nose, you see)! "Garment Care labels began in 1971 in the USA. The current labels were introduced in 1983.. ... International care symbols were developed 1971"
  3. Hattysattic

    biba price label?

    I just wondered if someone else has written the price on? Or if they are 80s? I'll redo the right side of the label shot later. when would you expect to see sparkly purple leggings though? I think the care labels were introduced in the 70s, can't remember the date but will go check if I can...
  4. Hattysattic

    rag brag / sob story!

    Thanks guys! I cried when I saw it... I have a Helga dress with similar pockets (which I love) that I am very nearly wiggled into now. Must put down the chocolate that is in my hand as we speak..
  5. Hattysattic

    1861 Paisley print dress worn in California...

    Jonathan that's fabulous! And a wonderful provenance to boot :)
  6. Hattysattic

    rag brag / sob story!

    I have this dress, strapless gold lame - can't do an accent on the 'e'! - overlaid in black net. fantastic apron like hip pockets (term? escapes me) in perfect condition, aside from some dustiness. That's the braggy bit. Silly vintage seller who should know better sends to cleaners.. they...
  7. Hattysattic

    biba price label?

    hang on, i've done something crazy with my image... let me fix it!
  8. Hattysattic

    biba price label?

    I bought these sparkly purple leggings last week, which have the gold biba label in the resource, and an old price sticker on the reverse. It's the pricing that's confusing me.. they start off a lot more expensive than I would expect for some 70s leggings/footless tights. Here's the old...
  9. Hattysattic

    virginie label

    Still no luck. Familiar to anyone else?
  10. Hattysattic

    Messy, messy, MESSY!!!

    Hang on, somewhere I have my store room... a few more bits and pieces in temporary another room and there are more but I could go on all night, lol!
  11. Hattysattic

    Starting tonight - Shoes and Hats!

    So it's no. 5 shoes that are on the pulse! Funny, I thought there was little hope of them sinking into obscurity somehow... :headbang:
  12. Hattysattic

    And now, Menswear!

    Hollis, you are too good! I'll have to show my husband the pinstripes.. he has a weakness :D
  13. Hattysattic

    Started last night...Dazzling 30s buckle!

    Not irrelevant Anne! A metal ring through either sides (above the black swirls of enamel) and a chain and you'd have a very flash necklace!
  14. Hattysattic

    Low Cut 80s Lace Wedding or Prom Gown

    That is quite unusual isn't it, being a little low cut? I am a sucker for leg o'mutton sleeves too!
  15. Hattysattic

    OT sewing question from braindead would be seamstress

    I was waiting for you to ask Maggie - then luckily I worked out the lining bit myself - your bags are wonderful, and I am certainly no competition judging by mt last night performance (I still managed to sew the lining in backwards, handles inside the lining - and had to spend hald an hour...
  16. Hattysattic

    OT sewing question from braindead would be seamstress

    Linda, I think I love you! LOL - thank you so much, I shall try that next. And Chris I love the ribbon idea too, will experiment.... **(sorry, edited as I had a headache last night and meant tiff with ribbon idea, chris for buttons - have utilised!)
  17. Hattysattic

    OT sewing question from braindead would be seamstress

    It's ok, I think I worked out just how easy it is! But any good ideas for fastenings welcomed :)
  18. Hattysattic

    OT sewing question from braindead would be seamstress

    I am going slightly mad. saturday is my son's 4th birthday party, and for the first time I have bitten the bullet and hired a hall and a magician for 20 kids. (last 3 years I have got away with bbq and no guests under the age of 25, very mean of me, but now he is at school all has changed!)...
  19. Hattysattic

    Tonight, It's Purses and Hats!

    I think my own grey background is too dark; I need to invest in a paler dove grey colour I think, then maybe I'll have cracked it (plus a new halogen strip) Thanks for letting me know Hollis - they look super, of course! :)
  20. Hattysattic

    Wedding Dresses

    Ooh more wedding dresses! Very nice - love the strapless/ bolero one too... :)
  21. Hattysattic

    Dating help on Morris Moskowitz purse?

    I see what you mean -interior looks a bit later, exterior looks all angular and 40s deco! I think your safe to leave well alone, and that goes for the price too... Think how much it would be new? :)
  22. Hattysattic

    My Shaheen Just Got Pulled by Ebay! NOW RELISTED.

    I'm sure they'll be more desperate than ever to win it now Linda! The whole ebay thing is really nasty when it comes to reporting auctions (especially with their 'act first, ask questions later' approach to pulling them), and I think I'd rather think it was an adminsistrator doing that. You'll...
  23. Hattysattic

    Let's Share Our Favorites (Helpful Links)

    Everything you ever wanted to know about rayon (you never know, someone may find it useful!)
  24. Hattysattic

    Need One Very Small Satin-Covered Button

    Anne I forgot, sorry - bumping up to remind myself and anyone else that may have one!
  25. Hattysattic

    Retro Fashion Police

    great link Senti, gave me a giggle :) - and good to see you!:hiya:
  26. Hattysattic

    VFG Blog

    Just checking out Linda's Shaheen on the blog. Oh, how I love that dress....
  27. Hattysattic

    lanvin question

    I've got a Lanvin shirtdress, slightly earlier, and I admit I have been shoving it to the back of the rail as I'm not sure what to price it at! I think in a case like this you just have to decide how much you would be hapy to accept and start fairly near there, or just do a buy it now (if...
  28. Hattysattic

    Tonight, It's Purses and Hats!

    Ditto everyone! Do you use different shades of grey background Hollis? or is it just your magical lighting (that I still can't master!) making them look diferent.
  29. Hattysattic

    virginie label

    Can't find anything on google, but there are a few on ebay. Here's one with a label picture- is it the same? Will keep looking!