rag brag / sob story!


VFG Member
I have this dress, strapless gold lame - can't do an accent on the 'e'! - overlaid in black net. fantastic apron like hip pockets (term? escapes me) in perfect condition, aside from some dustiness.
That's the braggy bit.

Silly vintage seller who should know better sends to cleaners.. they fray all the lame along the sides and rip out the hem. Decide to keep but my blasted hips are too big by a mile.


It's lovely though, isn't it? Am waiting until I become dramatically thinner so I can wiggle around in it myself.

Wow. I can't believe the cleaner butchered it that badly!

It is a gorgeous dress & the problems don't show at all in the picture. I understand wanting to keep it.

Thanks guys! I cried when I saw it...

I have a Helga dress with similar pockets (which I love) that I am very nearly wiggled into now. Must put down the chocolate that is in my hand as we speak..
Oh that is so sad, Harriet!

(why were the hip pockets designed into a gold lame dress i wonder? perfect for stashing a carryall...murder on the concept of making the hips look slim!)
What a pity, it is so hard to find a good cleaner today for any of these old fragile fabrics, they just don't exist. I just won't do it anymore with this kind of stuff unless it is a gabardine coat (even that they can screw up with pressing badly) I do my best to just air out the fabric and spot clean stains.

What a vamp of a dress, right out of a movie!
It's smashing, Harriet! And I do hope the cleaner compensated you in some fashion.... How could they have ripped the hem out? At least that can be fixed, but the fraying on the lame is just too shameful, though it doesn't show in your pics!
Can you add lame ribbon at side seams or even some type of lame or metalic lace, somthing that blends & looks like it was meant to be there?
this would reinforce the seams, if you are thinking of wearing it, the seams will be fragile left exposed.
..same applies to hem, can you add a lame fringe or lace to cover & reinforce the damaged area?
I hate dry cleaners!! I send my stuff to New York for now. Found a new dry cleaner in New Jersey. I have been there twice and he tells me what and what not he can do... Instead of taking the item and butchering it. He has turned away what I have brought him. One sweater he said I would do better hand washing then dry cleaning.... My fringe dress he said the fringe would get all tangled and could be ruined. So next time I will bring him something he cauld actually clean....

You dress sounds like it could be fixed but it would not probally be finantially worth it unless you were wearing yourself. Its a great dress.... Very wearable and would be perfect for a holiday event....

OK guys, a little bump as I i intend to list this in the coming weeks.
I've retacked the hem neatly by hand so it is know as it was before the evil cleaners touched it, so it's just the damage to the lame (how do I insert a little accent on that word? I don't know how to!)

It's totally wearable, and you can only see the lame has seperated if you look closely. Start price (incase it gets no other than the start bid I am thinking not bargain nasement, but temptingly low!) ??

I worked for a dry cleaning place for a year when I was in high school. After seeing what they did too things, I have never sent any of my items to a dry cleaners. I use a kit called Drycel that pretty much does the same thing that the dry cleaners do.

Chris, (dareuc) Your cleaning guy is an honest one and that one should be a keeper. He's not afraid to tell you he can't or will do it. Very rare to find one that will tell you no. When I was in training to the front desk those years ago I was told to always say yes to the customer.